Ronnie Fields

This paper was created in a 400 level capstone philosophy class. In it, I discuss at length the complex issues inherent in one's conception of their own freewill. The paper critically analyzes the never ending multifaceted debate behind the nature of free will and what free will means in light of one's own phenomenological experience. Because intent and the notion of choice are critical to the application of law this examination of freewill serves a critical need of understanding.

This paper examines the ethics behind what constitutes valid scientific knowledge and what knowledge is acceptable for public classroom instruction. Specifically, I analyze the epistemological ethics of intelligent design science through a postmodern philosophical lens in comparison with the traditionally accepted evolutionary science. I conclude by considering the ethical dilemma surrounding the teaching of intelligent design in public schools and assessing the contentious legal debate.

The link at the bottom of this picture takes you to a page the contains essays from a number of different classes and subjects. While the classes and topics may be diverse, they are all related to the legal arena in some fashion. Taken together, they illustrate my ability to write, analyze, and critically think about issues in jurisprudence.

This paper was created in a 400 level capstone philosophy class. In it, I discuss at length the complex issues inherent in one's conception of their own freewill. The paper critically analyzes the never ending multifaceted debate behind the nature of free will and what free will means in light of one's own phenomenological experience. Because intent and the notion of choice are critical to the application of law this examination of freewill serves a critical need of understanding.
The slideshow to the right contains evidence from my collegiate career that has a direct relationship to law or indirectly displays skills and knowledge that are critical in the legal profession. It consists of essays from a variety of classes across multpile disclplines.
The link below takes you to my general education ePortfolio that I created upon graduation at Clemson. It contains artifacts that demonstrate academic competence across the general education curriculum.